Friday, September 11, 2009

this is not the taste of a generation i would want.

but they should have asked for coupons.

i'm a big believer in customer rights. if i'm not happy with something, i'll call the company and let them know. in fact, once i found a wasp in a can of tea. i ended up with a full case of it. none of which i drank out of the can, for obvious reasons.

but this one? this would turn me off the product altogether.

fred denegri and his wife bought a flat of soda form sam's club in ormond beach last year, in hopes of saving money. but if you won't use it, it won't save money. and the denegris probably won't drink it.

denegri's wife found an unidentified body in her diet pepsi, and didn't finish it (because of it's awful taste). "body", in this case, was the right word to use; the FDA has identified that the body was that of a frog. the report was given to the couple this week, where they found out the understandable awful taste's source.

and in case you're wondering, no, the denegris did not put the frog in the can. so they're considering legal action, naturally.

so hooray for awful amphibious findings, and HOORAY FLORIDA!

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