Thursday, January 15, 2009

the "monkey business" pun is too easy...

but i can't wait for the shit to hit the fan on this one.

i'm not being crass, or stereotypical. the monkey that is in fact on the loose in pinellas county has been known to throw his feces when he feels threatened.
clearwater police spokespeople have said that they do not know the origin of the loosed rhesus monkey, but know that citizens who choose to keep such an animal as a pet are required to have permits and special caging to contain them.

the associated press have referred to this monkey as a "fugitive." now, i'm curious, what did it do?
and the link for this story refers to this story as "anyone missing their monkey?"

first the chair at the pita pit, and now this monkey. somewhere there's a monkey sitting in a stolen chair, flinging feces to save his life, i'll bet.

so hooray for suspicious simians roaming the streets, and HOORAY FLORIDA!

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